Cobalt is wondering just exactly how long it will be now, that this story makes it's way into American news? My long-standing opinion is that one should look into "major newspapers" oh, say around page 17 for a teensy article in the back of the first section. Then, if the story is starting to "catch" interest, the next day it will be a little bit more of a story on page 4 or 5. Finally on the third day, it may make it to page 1 or 2, IF. Let's see how this one progresses. I can do nothing better to comment than to post the first part of this article from the Guardian Special Report.
World set back 10 years by Bush's new world order, says Blair aide
Paul Brown, environment correspondent
Wednesday April 14, 2004
The Guardian
"George Bush has had a "devastating impact" on global sustainable development and set the world back more than ten years, says Jonathon Porritt, the prime minister's senior adviser on the subject, today.
Writing in Guardian Society Mr Porritt, who is the chairman of the Sustainable Development Commission, says it is hard to exaggerate the damage done to the planet by Mr Bush's drive for a "new world order".
On a whole series of issues including climate change, international aid, family planning, nuclear proliferation, trade and corporate responsibility, "staying true to a discredited model of extreme economic liberalism has set the world back a decade or more", says Mr Porritt.