Remember Earth Day?

Perhaps this month should be declared "Save the US Environment" Month! In honor (?) of the abyssmal record of the Bush administration regarding massive changes to enviromental policy and protections, Molly Ivins is quoted below from her March 30 column linked here and in the sidebar. To add my comments further would be weak in comparison to the "highlights" she's found of urgent need for attention. Please read the snip and then read the column.

"...the GOP put out a "talking points" memo for Republican members of Congress. In it, the congressmen are advised to inform their constituents that: A) global warming has not been proved, B) there are no clear links between childhood asthma and air pollution (in what I assume was an unintentionally hilarious slip, the memo advises R's that the links are "cloudy"), and C) America's rivers and lakes aren't nearly as polluted as the EPA says they are. The EPA says at least 40 percent of our streams, rivers and lakes are too polluted for drinking, fishing or swimming."
Among the points she lists are these:

  • - The U.S. Forest Service is going to eliminate any reviews of its actions by outside agencies for compliance with clean water, endangered species and historical preservation laws.

  • - The Department of Energy is moving to overturn a court decision on standards to clean up the country's most toxic and radioactive waste.
  • - The Environmental Protection Agency's inspector general has concluded that senior Bushies at EPA have repeatedly made misleading statements about purported improvements in drinking water quality. (Oh no, not Bushies lying!) Links:
    Mercury Cap and Trade Plan
    Grist Magazine
    Freedom of Misinformation Act: Secretive Energy Task Force Documents
    Grist Mag's 2004 Presidential Candidates on Environment
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