Anger from Right and a Blowtorch, too

Just can't help but comment again from a headline story today in the NYTimes about all the woes the California folks are having with the thought that their recall vote MAY not happen. The article by CHARLIE LeDUFF and NICK MADIGAN has a title of "New Twist Brings Anger from Right" and it's pretty funny to read unless a. you are from California and b. you are a Republican from anywhere --- it's a hoot!

I liked the part best when quoting the Republican with the DEEP pockets that bought the Recall effort to begin with:

"Representative Darrell Issa, whose wallet made the recall possible, joked last week at the state Republican convention that the only thing worse than spending $1.75 million on a campaign that he was no longer involved in, was not having $1.75 million to spend.

Today Mr. Issa realized that there might be something even worse: spending $1.75 million for nothing.

"Am I annoyed just because three Democratic judges want to turn over an election before it happens?" he asked. "Sure."

Since the Republicans are all upset over the Federal Court overturning of the Recall, and now they want the US Supreme Court to hear the case ASAP, this should be interesting. Wonder when someone notices and mentions that the harder the hopeful default candidates rail against this stay (however temporary it may last) well isn't that a similar feeling much of the country had to hear that all it took was a Californian with alotta bucks to try to take away a fair election! Oh this continues to be quite the "Days of Our Woebegone Lives"...

And Blowtorch Monkey Palmer has something to remind us all of for the national dilemna - oops meant to say Election 2004 - (heh heh):

"Thursday, September 11, 2003
Lately I've been having a thought that while not outright disturbing, I can't help but shake my head when ever it pops into my thoughts. And after talking to a couple of fellow Default Dems, I know I'm not the only one who it has occurred to.

I've made mention of it many a time on this blog that Karl Rove and Bush have both said publicly that they hope to re-establish the GOP dominance that they first had back in 1894. That dominance went on for more than 30 years. And oh yeah, every time I've cited that very situation I always feel the need to remind people what happened after those 35 years of GOP rule in DC (You know, the Rate-Gay Epression-Day). "

Palmer's got some great turns of phrases and has written something I've been brooding on as well. During times I've been too bored by the "Default Democratic Candidates" as he mentions and views them as I do.

Well, talking of "bored" left me yawning, and since it IS now Tuesay after 1am for me, 'nite all!

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