The Roy Veal Case and Professor Kim

Good going Kim! I read your posts on the mystery of the death of Roy Veal as to whether it was suicide or a lynching, and since the locale is in the US "South" there was quite the question raised. Your work and the subsequent news story in the regional paper shows that bloggers can really impact in an interactive way to assist critical analysis and reporting of actual findings as opposed to hearing sensation stories and not hearing "the rest of the story". Permalink ... Link

Funny Farm Time

The post title is a reference to my friend's blog over at the Funny Farm as a thanks for "keeping it real" at his own blog AND at Open Source Politics, while OSPers are in and out. Thank goodness that some folks are keeping it together! For those who have not visited OSP, this is a good site for progressives and a "safe site" for those seeking information on the number one priority for literally MOST OF THE WORLD. Terrorism, you ask? I think so, however it is the terrorism of the world by the despot in power at present with the power to do whatever the heck he wants to do: GW Bush.

If OSP and friends with fascinating blogs listed in my sidebar column are not enough to whet your appetite, check out the ever-popular Kevin Drum or a Kevin of another sort at the American Street. And while on the American Street, see Angry Bear - always a good read. Want the best of news concerning America? Read Austrialian Pip Wilson's blog or the Guardian, or listen to the BBC - just make sure it's a foreign site, for inside the US it is all filtered pap. Gads, what a huge disappointment for all the sheltering our US administration has effected for Americans.

... Link

US Employment Rising? Look at Page 16

This was brought to my attention today from friend "Armadillo" in Dallas. Our phone conversation was centering on the fact that we both have noticed that so many people our age (50's) are working at service jobs at convenience stores and retail stores and that this was quite a distinct change from the past. These are folks that have taken a job, any job, to get by. Remember when you used to see teens employed, at least for the summer? Then, as years went by, we saw more "grayhairs" working these part-time and entry-level jobs selling soft-serve ice cream cones. And now, it's formerly middleclass baby boomers.And they are happy to get these $7 an hour jobs with no benefits!!!

And what is the story on Page 1? That more Americans are working and the employment figures are rising. I asked my friend what his teenage son was doing for a job this summer. He answered that on Page 16 of the paper, you will see an article that notes teens are at the highest rate of unemployment, ever. Armadillo says: put both these stories together now. His son cannot get a summer job. Because parents our age need those jobs as one of the 2 or 3 jobs they need to support a family. So, is the employment situation in the US something that George Bush and Company can brag about? Think again.

I live in Arizona, a state with a crisis in public education that is presently documented as having the sixth straight year with the highest high school dropout rate in the US. There are many many teaching positions going unfilled. Why? Poor pay combined with a shortage of affordable housing for teachers, who are very low-pay workers in the area. Good people simply can't afford to be teachers. Solution for Arizona? By recommendation of the State Superintendent of Arizona, an "Instant Teacher" plan is in the works to certify ANY college graduate as a teacher. In one easy month-long course, the prospective teachers who never had an educational instruction course get a salaried job teaching. Then they have 6 months of "mentoring" while on the job. Then, voila, instant teacher! They will hold the same value credential as I, an experienced teacher from another state.

I am a teacher that cannot be certified in Arizona, although certified in another state, until I pay out at least $500 in fees and Arizona teacher tests per subject, and then possibly $1,000 or more if requested to take a few classes to meet Arizona "standards". All this before I can even look for a teaching job in this state. No "instant teacher" plans are available or even thought of to help experienced teachers moving to Arizona get a job! So I have found a "teaching-related" job, and this area has lost another potential quality teacher. Oh yes, employment figures seem to abound here in jobs available. Except. Well, at least I didn't take a job away from a teen, a senior citizen, or another baby boomer. Gosh, I didn't jump at the chance to start teaching at $27k. I had enough education, you see, to add it up that my investment of $1,500 just to transfer certification and then start at such low pay - well that doesn't make economic sense, now does it? I suggest to the State of Arizona that someone should have thought about paying teachers a decent wage. Then they would not have such a shortage. But no, it is a penny-wise and pound foolish orientation here: teachers are not valued in Arizona, so they are not paid even remotely adequately, or given incentives to stay in the field as teachers. Ergo, teacher shortage crisis.

Yeah, the employment situation in the US is

r e a l l y

improving here in my neck of the woods. er - just don't look too close at what is here, and by all means do not look past the stories on page 1, and don't even THINK about connecting the dots in stories related, whether on page 1 or page 16. It's all in how you look at it right?

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