Not a Happy Time of Year

A rare pissy post from your weblady: reader be warned. I don't know how many folks get rather depressed at Christmas, but I am one. Too many bad, sad ones in my past. This was going to be "ok" but now it is a sad one. Significant Other has head up butt, and knows it, but is "confused". Unfortunately we were/are best friends, outside the "relationship". So it is a special loss to both of us.

There was so little going for this household, with no time or money for the Day coming on. No decorations up, no gifts bought, but a hope that maybe two days before I'd get a tree up and find some inexpensive gifts. Now, I just don't know how I am going to find the strength to "get Christmas on" for my family, when I've been kicked in the gut. I'll prolly leave this post on a day or so and then delete it. But I wish I could delete a tear in my heart so easily as a mere post. We'd planned a vacation together in January, since we live far apart. Now, I guess I'll look for something somewhere to go and do alone. Hey, maybe I'll feel better by then.

Hey, I do wish all of you and friends dear a good and peaceful holiday time. It helps when you hope for joy in the lives of those near and dear.

Peace, Love and Hugs,

... Link

Lapsing Since the Disaster of 2004

Taken myself a nice break from the November 2004 elections and now back to posting. Fresh start and all that, you know. I have continued to read favorite blogs through my SharpReader rss feeds and admire those progressive who continued to march forward in these last weeks. Of particular note, these are some of the finest writers and commentators I read daily that keep me going: Professor Kim (on hiatus to Jan 1, 2005), Earl with Prometheus6, Phil Greenspun, Kevin Drum, atrios, Gary Price with ResourceShelf, Tarra Calishan with ResearchBuzz, AlterNet (get yer Hightower and Ivins there), Wired, Dave Winer, Scripting News, Slashdot, Josh Micah Marshall with Talking Points Memo, Tom Coates and his iPod adventures, and yet others. Many are listed in the links to the right sidebar here. I'll get around to posting the RSS feed links to all of them in the next few days. Hope to actually communicate back and forth with some of these fine folks online.

... Link

BIG Progressive Chart

From Kevin, American Street and ReachM High Cowboy Noose Network:
This is what is says on the webpage

States Writes: a Progressive Peer Directory
from The American Street

"Research links to mass media & blog sources in all states. Swing states - won by less than 55% of the popular vote in 2000 - are highlighted, with cumulative Gore and Nader vote totals defined as Dems. State newspapers are generally listed in order of city size, but capital city papers and highly regarded publications may supersede that order. Blogs without postings after 1 July 2004 were screened out."

Many interesting features on this long chart. Links are the main feature, but what I enjoy very much about them is that the author has grouped blogs by the states the author writes from. AND ties in the voting information and details from that state from the presidential election. There are many ways to navigate through the blogosphere, and this is a pretty handy way to discover kindred souls. And do we Progressives ever need the companionship, now more than ever! Thanks, Kevin.

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