Occupation Watch

Under the present circumstances of global publicity for the tortures of Iraquis by US and Brit troops that have now been fully-exposed to us, complete with photos, video and testimony, consider looking into the Occupation Watch site on a regular basis. Where there once existed pages of news storys on places such as CNN, the "disappeared" may still be available.

Here is the lead story on the latest home page:

"Torture in Iraq: Has the U.S. Become the Evil It Deplored?

On Wednesday, April 28, 60 Minutes II broadcast photos of American soldiers torturing Iraqi prisoners. The gruesome photos depicting physical and sexual abuse by American military personnel are bringing long-needed attention to a travesty that Amnesty International, the Occupation Watch Center, independent journalists, and delegates from recent delegations to Iraq have highlighted continually for more than a year. With the Americans as “both the judges and tortures” who are the Iraqis to turn to? The following articles document the human rights abuses and torture of Iraqi prisoners and civilians throughout the occupation.
" Another statement:
"Given the severity and complexity of the current crisis, Occupation Watch will be using our home page to present the most up-to-date reports and analyses of the violence in Iraq."

Mike and River, again, thank you for your efforts to publicize these stories. Doesn't the word "story" somehow underwhelm you in the scheme of things? What words can describe the horror of torture used for whatever grand purpose? Today, Baghdad Burning, Occupation Watch, Iraq Dispatches, and Redeye's Corner are added to the sidebar. "Sidebar" perhaps can be termed "main bar" in these distressing days.

... Link

What America Looks Like

    This is what America looks like to other countries.

And American's wonder why the Iraqis fight our breath of "freedom"???????????
   European papers publish the atrocities of US torture of Iraqis. This image from cnn
The caption?
"European newspapers featured pictures that purportedly show abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. jailers."

So, it's European newspapers that report the stories and the images. There is little published in the US. And it is "purportedly", even though there are videos and photographs AND sufficiently corraborated testimony. The UK has also got it's own horror, with a story in the Mirror, complete with photos. There we are treated to an image of a Brit troop urinating on an Iraqi.

Mike Golby in out2lunch ( a fellow OSP'r) details the stories and creates stunning and horrible photomontages from what the world is seeing now of US and British treatment of Iraqis. He brings to me word of a female blogger in Iraq, in Baghdad Burning. "River" tags her blog with "Girl Blog from Iraq... let's talk war, politics and occupation". What does she tag AMERIKA with? This link takes you to her current entry where she links to the story in the Mirror.



and here is where words fail me...

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