Celebrating Dems Party and DeLay Demise

Just a quick peek at an image circulating the blog cosmos right now - and a reminder that the Democrats put on one great, rousing show tonight, carried live on C-Span, the Democrat Unity Convention. The speech by Jimmy Carter was the most passionate and blunt I've ever heard from him. Having met him in Plains, Georgia, it really thrilled me to see him speech his mind and his heart. Bill Clinton (not one of my favorite pols) gave another deeply-moving speech. It was remarkable to see the whole crowd and mood catch fire and burn with such a strong blaze. Closest thing I've seen in years to a group of assembled Democrats be a solid force and "immoveable object". The music - the music! What can I say? Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" was the song of the night and an able replacement for the Fleetwood Mac of Clinton years.

Would anyone like to compare the language use and body language too of the Democrat's celebration with that of the GOP the night before? I noticed right off that all the Democrats spoke as real people speak. And not those smirking platitudes and redundant one-liners of the Bushies. Celebration in order to for the possible stepping down of Tom DeLay. One blogger wrote today that he almost likes Bush when you set ole Tom against GW. Since DeLay is now outed on his campaign fundraising crimes, I wonder if the Bushies will tamp down their trumpeting of's supposed violations of fundraising for issues ads? Glass houses, doncha know.

The Dems need your help!

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Barricades - How DOES It Feel?

This is terrific! Get over to over favorite Pessimist's blog at the Barricades for a fresh look and listen to the lyrics of our lives. Take a bit of Dylan, update the lyrics, sprinkle in some of the great lines of music when lyrics mattered, at get a crash course on where we are at in this country (US). Worth the trip and worth a bookmark to "Favorites". Congratulations!

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