Resource.full is Dynamite!

This is an incredible site I just found within the links of Tom Tommorrow's site at

Just take a look at a few graphics from the site - links to various pages:

Code: From site, graphic clip for the War Room pages
and then there is Operation Desert Snipe:
Code: ah, a reference to an unofficial nickname for Operation Desert Storm
And here is a snip from today's top story, a story going all over the world EXCEPT FOR in the US:

Media Patrol

A Guardian report of a meeting between Jack Straw and Colin Powell at the Waldorf hotel before Powell's U.N. presentation on Iraq, is getting almost no play in the U.S. media. It cites leaked transcripts of the meeting -- "being circulated in Nato diplomatic circles" -- in which Powell tells Straw that he was "apprehensive" about the intelligence and hoped the facts, when they came out, would not "explode in their faces."

Although Powell sees no point in getting "trapped in the long-winded debate about what was known and not known" before the war, he would likely be called to testify during televised U.S. Senate hearings on Iraq intel, that are being pushed for by Republican Senator John Warner.

Hear, Hear! U.S. intelligence officials tell the San Jose Mercury News that the Iraqi National Congress "bypassed skeptics in the CIA and DIA and fed the same information about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and links to Al-Qaida to the [New York] Times and the Pentagon, so Pentagon officials would confirm what the nation's most influential newspaper was hearing and the newspaper would confirm what the Pentagon was hearing."

"Misleading the public has been a consistent strategy for the Bush team on issues ranging from tax policy and Social Security reform to energy and the environment," charges Paul Krugman. "So why should we give the administration the benefit of the doubt on foreign policy?" Plus: Returning dignity to the White House."

So, where are the US media stories on this? This, like the scandal of the hyped-up and erroneous reports of how Private Jessica Lynch was actually rescued, is something that cannot continue to be hidden. When it is not some bizarre "leftist" media source that is dismissed immediately by mainstream US media, but instead a story reported throughout the rest of the world, we MUST take a look, and not weeks later!

Link for the story for June 4:

... Link

Peter Maas, New Yorker, and Salam Pax

Yeah - here's a good read:
in Slate you will see the article from Monday by Peter Maas, who realized AFTER the Iraq trip that his interpreter was the real Salam Pax!

"Baghdad was hectic when two blogging friends e-mailed me to suggest that I track down "Salam Pax." I had no idea who or what they were talking about. I could have handed over the job of sorting out this Salam Pax thing to my interpreter—he was a clever and funny Iraqi who never failed to provide what I needed, whether it was interviews or pizza—but I let it pass. I thought I had better things to do.

This is funny and great to read!

... Link

Ok, What Does It Take To...

Get someone, anyone to place a comment? Geez Louise, it must be months since that happened! Ok, got to remind self that this is cyberspace=cybervoid=vacuum? Does anything happen in a vacuum? I think yes, it fills with blog posts.

Read about Turbo10, a new search engine that is a competitor to Google in that it used different methods of search and results returned. Got the whole scoop on the Register (UK) today at:The Register

Back later after I play around with Turbo10. It seems that a user can establish different customized lists of search engines that are in the top ten searched by Turbo10. For instance, if it is a news event, you may choose to have only search engines specializing in news searched. This helps to weed out some to the commercial sites. Another cool thing is that you can choose to search online journals that are not usually accessed by Google, Altavista and the like.

Comments, eh?

... Link

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