Poets for Peace, from bibcognito blog

This is quoted from another blog with similar interests to mine. I believe it to be a fascinating story that will continue forward to spread over the world. Of course, anti-war poetry is not welcomed by 'everyone':

This is from a blog called bibcognito and is linked to great librarian blogs. Please look at this article from "The Globe and Mail" that this blog quoted from today.

Poets for Peace

As Bush threatnes that a declaration of war on Iraq is weeks away, poets around the world are launching anti-combat stanzas.

"Canadian poet Todd Swift took only one week to compile an ebook, 100 Poets Against the War, which he released on Monday to mark the report by weapons inspectors to the UN security council.

"We're trying to create something that is like the Vietnam war protest," said Mr Swift, speaking from his home in Paris. He said he was amazed by
how quickly the collection had spread around the world.

"About 25 of the poets in the collection are from the UK or Ireland, and we are adding John Kinsella and a few others this weekend to the revised version, which will be released next Monday to meet Mr Blair on his return
from Bush's ranch," he added.

Contributors to the ebook include George Murray, Ethan Gilsdorf and Maggie
Helwig. (From: CANLIT-L@INFOSERV.NLC-BNC.CA. Posted by: Phyllis Aronoff)"

The whitehouse is not pleased. Laura Bush recently closed the curtains on a poetry symposium upon discovering that many of the invited poets were planning to read ant-war verse.

A spokeswoman for Mrs. Bush, a former librarian (for shame!), said: "While Mrs. Bush respects the right of all Americans to express their opinions, she, too, has opinions and believes it would be inappropriate to turn a literary event into a political forum," (From the Globe and Mail.)

The Globe and Mail

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