UAE Censors and Blocks

How sad for the 2,000+ members of our photo-sharing community,, when the state-run ISP for the UAE has again blocked! Our whole community suffers the loss of this stiffling of freedom of expression and just the mere freedom to SEE has been cut off! This image below is one of hundreds that have been created as protest to the ban. If you click on the link of the image, it will take you to my photo stream on flickr where you will find links to every one of these images in my collage.

UAE Wall

I hope that I'll be able to write another post later that will celebrate a change of policy. It appears that the state-run ISP considers flickr to be a "porn site" for the nudity it allows in some images. There has been a crack-down on actual porn that gets into public view on flickr, but I believe that even the rare slips help to cause this ban for UAE members. More on the issue can be found in the group discussion for "Flickr Block in the UAE" group. You can reach that group from the link on the sidebar from my image.

... Link

They Lied We Die

Only in art can I express my deep disappointment and anger at the continuing debacle that is the Bush Administration. Two years! Two years and this is just another investigation that again again again shows the deception of the Bush inner circle. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it IS a duck - when more and more of the closest "CRONIES" of President Bush are publically found to be liars and manipulators, then what can Americans say to the world?

They Lied

... Link

-- from cobalt123 - (?)

For over 34 years now, I do more than just wear my protest buttons. This image is uploaded tonight to comment on my distaste for the obvious media manipulation today> of the US in deference to the Bush administration. Early today President Bush had a press conference to give a "strong" "Churchill-style" (not my words) press conference to whip up enthusiasm for yet more US troops in Iraq. He cites the terrorist threats and strongholds in the Middle East. Then about 5:00 pm today it is announced that there are now 12,500 troops MORE in Iraq. About 159,000 "official" reported troops. And then around 7:00 pm CNN news breaks in with LIVE! ACTION! COVERAGE! of a possible terrorist thread to the NYC subway systerm. Coincidence the timing? I think not.

Cobalt is not fooled by the media, nor fooled by the Bush Administration.

... Link

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